Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Fa La La La La

Christmas time is by far my favorite time of year. I know I know, everyone says that. But it really is. I really love everything about it. I love the music, the decorations, the presents :), the cheerful spirit it puts everyone in and mostly what it is really all about. My Christmas really started on the last night I was in Abilene for Shane's birthday. We exchanged gifts then since we wouldn't be together on the actual day. There was only one problem. You see, Shane's mom, Jackie always fills a stocking for me too. And the problem was that since Shane's little brother Dylan still believes in Santa, Jackie was worried that if she gave me my stocking then Dylan would realize that it was from her and not Santa. But don't worry, we quickly solved this dilemma. Shane's little brothers wrote Santa a letter asking if he would fill my stocking early since I wasn't going to be with them on Christmas day. And what do you know, Santa came early :) Such a smart plan.
I headed back home the day before Christmas eve so I could be with my family. I came home to a wonderfully decorated house that was decked out head to toe in Christmas gear. My mom has become quite the collector of Christmas decorations. She has 12 bins full of stuff to be exact. So you can only imagine what our house looked like. But honestly, I think our house feels the homie-est whenever they are up. Christmas eve came and we did all our normal traditions. We went to the Christmas Eve service at church. I have always loved the service because it really gives me a break from all Christmas madness and makes me remember what Christmas is all about it. And I really love singing Christmas songs :) Then after our Christmas Eve dinner, we all changed into our pajamas, piled all into one car and headed out to look a Christmas lights. This is something we have done since I dont even know when. I remember doing it when me and my sisters were little. And we stopped by Marci's middle school boyfriend's house. We pushed her out of the car in her pj's. She was mortified. Ah, such fun memories :) Anways, this really is something I look forward to doing all December. This year we got to take Tyson and Tucker. It was their first experience. And they loveddddd it. Especially Tucker. Literally every house we passed he pointed and screamed, "LOOOOOK MOMMY!" And when I say scream, I mean it. All of our ears were ringing by the end of the trip. Though none of us minded because it was so fun to see the boys so excited to see Christmas lights. We then came home and finished wrapping presents, because of course we all had procrastinated and hadn't wrapped any of them. Christmas morning came and Tucker and Tyson were ecstatic to find that Santa had left so many presents for them. Santa was also good to the rest of us in the Chisholm household. It was a wonderful Christmas. We missed Marci, Scott, Kate and Joshua. But hopefully next Christmas we will all get to be together. And next Christmas Shane will be added to the mix. I can't wait to spend the rest of my Christmas' with him :)

Happy Birthday to Shane!

Yes I know Shane's birthday was almost a week ago..but I still feel that he deserves a blog post. Last Wednesday Shane turned 23! Since Shane I started dating I have yet to spend his birthday with him. Because it's around Christmas, I am usually with my family and have to miss it, but this year I decided I wanted to be a sweet fiance and spend it with him. So I headed back to Abilene for a 4 day trip. I thought of all of the fun stuff Shane and I could while I was there. I mean theres no school and no work. There is an endless possibility of things we can do with all this time. But what I didn't remember was that Shane DID still have to work. I sometimes forget that he has a big boy job now and doesn't get five week breaks like I do. So I spent most of my time with Shane's sweet mom Jackie. Which was totally fine with me! I really am lucky to have such a cool soon to be mother-in-law. Overall it was a nice relaxing trip to Abilene for an extra special Birthday Boy. Happy Birthday to you my love!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Meet Lucy Haught. Our newest addition!

If you even slightly know me, you should know how obessed I am with pugs. It is almost sad how much I love these little smushed face cuties. And I don't care if you think they are ugly. To me they are the cutest dogs on the face of the earth. Are you starting to realize how much I love them?

My love for them rubbed off on Shane and about two years ago Shane adopted Frank from a family friend. He was a year old at the time and really was perfect for Shane. He was already potty trained and out of the puppy stage so it was really the ideal situation. We couldn't love Frank more and couldn't wait to get another pug once we got married. But the plans to wait till we got married to get another one changed when we got a call from a friend who said she knew of a sweet little girl pug who was needing a home. Me and Shane both are softies for rescuing puppies so we definately were up for it! We met with the owner at the home of a local Abilene woman that does Pug Rescue. She had six adorable pugs at her house. I was in heaven! I think I might have a calling to do pug rescue? Ha. After a few minutes of playing with sweet Lucy, we knew she would be perfect for us! So we adopted her! Now we have a little pug family.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thankful to be so thankful

I'm alive, I'm alive! It seems that I forgot about this thing, but I promise I didn't. One, I wanted to stock up and have one great post. We will see how that goes. And two, I was some what taking a break from the Internet while on my Thanksgiving break. Well sorta..

The last two weeks have been very productive and filled with lots of joy for me. I have had lots of projects and papers due, so that is where the productive part came in. Just one more week of class and then a week of finals and I am DONE. I see the light at the end of the tunnel finally! So close I can almost taste it ;)

The joy that has filled my days is froming getting to go home to San Antonio to spend Thanksgiving with my family. We had a completely full house, so full that Marci (my sister), Scott (her husband), and Joshua (my three month old nephew) had to stay in a hotel! My sweet niece Kate got to be my roomate for the week which made for a fun time. One night she woke up scared and asked to sleep in bed with me. I couldn't say no and let her climb into bed with me. She felt so special. I woke up with her basically on top of me, kissing me and saying "I love you Aunt George." She definately knows the way to my heart... I feel like I could write a book of the all the funny things my niece and nephews say. Here were some of my favorites of the week:

Tyson looking at my engagement ring- "Wow Aunt George, I love your ring. It's so beautiful and wonderful."
Me - "Thanks Tyson. Uncle Shane gave that to me."
Tyson then grabs my other hand - "Uncle Shane needs to get you two more of those rings for this hand."
Me - "I couldn't agree more Tyson." :)

Kate has this obsession with weddings right now. How perfect huh?
Me (thinking she will name one of her little friends that are boys)- "Kate who are you going to marry?"
Kate - "Shane"
Me - "But I am going to marry Shane."
Kate - "Okay, my daddy" :)
I'm sure your daddy loves that answer sweet Kate.

and lastly, from the loveable Tucker.."Aunt George, you smell like Poopoo."
I hope they know just how much they are loved by their Aunt George!

My Thanksgiving was wonderful. My mother and sister Clarissa cooked their little hearts out and made my tummy very happy. It was so nice to getting to be with everyone. That doesn't get to happen too often. If only we could all live in the same city. Here is a picture of the whole gang...minus Shane. But he will be in all of our family pictures to come :)

And I had to share this one of my goofy dad.

And don't think I forgot about my cooking something once a week! Although, last week I sorta cheated. I mean, I did bake something. But it was from a can and I just added a few ingredients :) But regardless, it's SOMETHING! And I recommend all of you Sprinkles Cupcake fans to pick up a can of this mix! Unfortunately the nearest Sprinkles is in Dallas. So last time I was at Williams Sonoma I bought this to satisfy my love for their cupcakes. It comes with the cake mix in the can and gives you instructions to make the icing. It even included the cute little dots! The cake part turned out wonderfully. It really tasted like theirs! But, the icing...not so much. So I would recommend just using pre-made icing. Unless, you have a great homeade icing recipe!

Hopefully my next creation will be something more original? Maybe something Christmasy? Because I definately have the Christmas Spirit. Only 26 more days! The countdown has began!

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Stuffed Chicken Breast..mmm mm good

So as promised, I made my first item of the week! I know I said I would make Lemon Cheescake Bread, but I just wasn't in the dessert mood. I know, suprising. So I pulled out a cookbook my mother gave me awhile back and started searching for something that sounded super delicious.

Now don't laugh at my cookbook. I know it seems a little silly. I mean, a cookbook by NASCAR's Jeff Gordon and Dale Earnhardt Jr.s' moms? BUT it is suprisingly filled with great recipes. As you can tell I have already gone through and marked all the recipes I plan to make!

I didn't have to search for long before I found what I wanted......Stuffed Chicken Breast. The ingredients for it are what got me. Chicken, stuffing, cheese, and mushrooms. How can you go wrong with that? Well you can't, and this recipe proved just that! This was super easy to make and that final product was amaaaazing. At least I thought so! And it got Shane's stamp of approval. Which is probably most important :)

Here is this tasty creation's easy recipe:

6 boneless skinless chicken breasts (I made 10, not on purpose. My chicken was in smaller slices)
1 box Stove Top stuffing or make your own
2 cups shredded Jack Cheese
1 cup diced mushrooms

First pound the chicken breat until thin. Spread a think layer of stuffing mixture onto the breasts, then sprinkle a little bit of the Jack Cheese on top of that.

Then roll up each breast and fasten with a toothpick. Bake uncovered at 350 for 20 minutes.

After the 20 minutes take the chicken out of the oven. Use the remaining stuffing mixture, jack cheese, and mushrooms to cover the chicken breasts. Return to the oven and bake at 350 for another 10-20 minutes. Or untill fully cooked.

Doesn't it look super yummy?

I was very satisfied with the final product and so was my tummy. It made for a very filling dinner. And seriously how cute is this apron? :) You would think I would want to cook more just to wear it!

I'm excited for my next creation. Hopefully I will be in the dessert mood, because I'm dying to bake something tasty!

Weekend Fun

For some reason this week seemed to creep by and I was excited more than usual for the weekend to come. It turned out to be a wonderful weekend filled with lots of fun, food, movies, relaxing and more food. It started with the Kojie Retreat at the Gymnastics Sports Center. We had our retreat here last year and it was one of my favorite Kojie activites of the whole year, so you could say I was more than a little excited for it again this year. Who doesn't enjoy jumping around on trampolines, bouncing around on spring floors and channeling your inner Shawn Johnson :) But I will admitt, I am way more sore than I should be from it. I am 21 years old. My body is not THAT old. If this is how I feel now, my future isn't looking too good!

I also got my first pair of TOMS this weekend! My sweet NuNu's gave them to me. Hands down, the best gift they could ever give me! I have been dying to get a pair of TOMS for awhile now. I love the whole mission behind them. Now I am a proud owner. And could they be any more cute? I sure don't think so!

This weekend was also a success because I got to have a much needed date with Shane. Both Shane and I have had a busy semester. Me with pledging stuff and him with work. He is by far the hardest worker I have ever met. And I love that about him, but because of both of our schedules, dates are far and few between for us. So Saturday night I decided he deserved a date! We went to my favorite, Abuelos and saw Due Date. It was a great night. Sometimes I think to myself, how did I get so lucky to marry a man like him? It's beyond me!

If only every weekend could be this wonderful :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

It's about time

For the year and half that me and my roomates have lived in our wonderful house together, we have only cooked a meal about a handful of times. Seriously. Could count all the times on one hand. This is outrageous! One of the things we were most excited about getting a house was that we would be able to have a kitchen to cook in unlike the dorms. So what's the deal been? Well, we don't really know. BUT things are going to change. And it all starts tonight. Tonight we made...breakfast for dinner! Okay yes, it is probably one of the easiest meals to make. But it is also one of the best! We have to start somewhere. Kylah and Rachel gathered up all the ingredients and we got to work. Look at our fabulous feast..
Lacy's amazing quiche!

Now comes my goal for the last 4 months of me living here. My goal is to bake at LEAST one thing a week. Preferably something new that I have never made before. I have always enjoyed cooking so it is about time that I make some time for it. And I do need to get some good practice in before I become a wife! To keep myself accountable for this I will post a picture of my creation every week for all to see. And if it is tasty I will even include the recipe for all to try!

First on my list to make.....Lemon Cheesecake Bread. Mmm hope it turns out as good as it sounds.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Desires of my heart

Tonight I was catching up on twitterworld..yes I just said that...and came across a Tweet from Tenley Molzahn. And yes I am that girl that follows people from The Bachelor. Remember how I said I was a HUGE reality TV fan? Well anyways... her tweet asked "What are the desires of your heart?" This really got me thinking and I really liked this question. So, I decided to write about it. My heart has many desires. Which I think is a good thing.

Here is my list:
-To have a closer and deeper relationship with my savior.
-To be a wonderful and understanding wife to Shane.
-To be a godly woman and show that in everything I do.
-To someday be an amazing mother to my children. One that they can count on and hopefully look up to.
-To have a job that is fulfilling and satisfying. One that I can feel like I am truly helping others.
-To be a great friend. One that will be there no matter what.
-To see god transform this city and nation.

I really enjoyed thinking about this and making this list. Great reflection time... now it's time to get some sleep! 

 ‎"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4. 

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Hey Pumpkin

Finally got to carve a pumpkin! I've been wanting to since they starting selling them!

Perfect example of how hard it is to get a good picture of us!

Happy Halloween!

Can you believe that Halloween has already come and gone? Time is flying by. It will be Christmas before we know it. And don't you worry, I already made my Christmas list :) My Halloween was a success. I got to watch Halloween the movie. It's my favorite, as odd as that sounds. It was the first scary movie I ever saw and I became a lover of scary movies because of it. I love October because they play it all month long on TV. I know, I know..I am crazy. Shane and I got the privilage of taking his two little brothers trick or treating this year. It was fun watching them run from house to house. Sometimes I miss being a kid. Getting so excited over the little things. Oh those were the days..

Now it's November. The month of FOOD. Hope this month will be a good one!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I have a life again!

I know, what a suprise. I am actually blogging again within one week of my last blog. I told you I would get better.

There is a reason for this. A very big one. Pledging is OVER! I know it seems like I am very excited about this, and I am..very excited, but I also am sad. Sad because my NuNu's have now graduated to Kojiehood and no longer need me as their mother. Though, deep down, I will always be their mom! So cheesy...I know. But really, I have enjoyed every bit of getting to be the pledge mom this year and feel so grateful to have gotten this opportunity. This definately was a wonderful way to spend my senior year in college. Thank you girls for everything. You will never know just how special each and everyone of you are to me!

Here is a picture of me and my nunu's on the last day of pledging!
By the way...the Kojie Flag Football team defeated the Siggies in the Championship game last night! So proud.
So now that pledging is over, what do I do with myself? Well...I can actually do alot now. I can study....well maybe just a little. I can spend more time with Shane. Definately have missed that. I can work out...I do have wedding dress to fit into :) And I can plan our wedding! Only 4 1/2 months left. So much to do still. The time is definately going much faster than I expected. Which is okay. Because before I know it, I will be Mrs. Jordana Haught. I love that sound of that :)

Friday, October 22, 2010

Where have I been?

I know I know, only over a month later, I am FINALLY blogging again. But I have good reasons why I have not. The last five weeks have been, without a question, the BUSIEST/CRAZIEST/HECTIC/FUN weeks of my life. I could literally write for hours on what has all gone on, but let's get real, No one would enjoy reading that :) So I'm going to sum it all up the best I can...

  • I become a MOM! Okay not a REAL mom...but the mother of 53 amazing pledges! Pledging is to blame for taking up most of my time for the last 5 weeks, but I promise I am not complaining. Even though I don't get near enough sleep, I am not doing good in my classes, and I never get to see my fiance or friends outside of club...I wouldn't trade being "NuNu Mom" for anything. These girls are nothing short of amazing and have blessed my life so much. Here is a picture of me and my sweet NuNu's.
  • Another exciting event that happened in my life was ACU's homecoming. I was completely suprised and honored to be one of the ten girls on this years homecoming court. Out of the ten, FIVE were Kojies! We were represented so well :) My parent's got to come down for the weekend to experience it all with me. It was a great way to spend my last homecoming.

Kojies on Court: Kinsey, Rachel, Kylah, Me, and Rebecca
On the Field with my Daddy :)
Our cute car we got to ride in at the Parade
  • Wedding plans have been going at a slower pace...mainly because I did so much in the summer. But we did accomplish a few BIG things over the last two weeks. We got our engagement pictures back, (which we absolutely LOVE) so we were able to make our Save the Dates. Twopair is our photographers and they did such an incredible job. We couldn't be happier with them. We also got to register this past weekend at our first store. I have been looking forward to doing this since forever...I mean how cool is going into a store and scanning EVERYTHING you could possibly want....but I must say, this is quite overwhelming. I don't think I realised how much we actually need. But even though it was a little stressful, it made it just that much more real and exciting that I will be Mrs. Haught in less than five months...yes less than five. Where has the time gone?
Here are a couple of my favorites from me and Shane's engagements

I could write more...but it's hard to remember everything that has gone on in five weeks. Hopefully I will get better at this blogging stuff.

Untill next time..


Saturday, September 11, 2010

Busy Bee

Okay, keeping up with this blog is proving to be harder than I thought. BUT I still am going to try! I feel like life has been somewhat of a crazy whirlwind the last three weeks. I started my SENIOR year of college. I feel like it's not real. When did we get old? The time has seriously flown by. I am still trying to get use to my schedule. I am no longer taking fun blow-off classes, but serious major classes. Guess this means I really have to study now ;)

Rushing is in full swing too and is really the reason for all the madness in my life. I love rushing for multiple reasons. One because it means pledging is about to start & I just really love pledging. Two because I have been preparing for this all summer. Three because I really love meeting new girls. ACU really has some amazingly sweet girls. I have been so impressed with the group this year. They all are so inspriring. We are going to have a great pledge class. And although I love rushing, I also hate it. I hate letting go of girls. And that is what has been on my mind all day. Maybe, I am just too invested into this. But, my heart has been so heavy today. This year has been an incredible year for Kojies. The girls rushing are outstanding...but there was so MANY outstanding girls. Making the selection process unbearable! I wish we could of taken each and every one of the girls. But, of course, that is not possible. I hope all the girls know how hard this was for everyone in club to choose. I also hope the girls know and remember that God is in control and he has such GREAT plans for every girl. Even though it might be hard in the beginning, it will be okay. I know God will show them this in time.

Okay, enough about my sappy talk. Life really is great. Everytime I think how busy I am and how I would just love a nap, I think to myself how lucky I am to be getting to do this all. Wedding plans are still coming right along. Shane and I took our engagement pictures about two weeks ago and our anxiously awaiting to get them back! Twopair took them and they were just so fun to work with. They were so sweet and patient with us. I definately recommend them to everyone!

Now I need some serious beauty sleep...

Untill next time...

Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I know I know, I have already become bad about updating. But I figure If I can get one post every week, that will be pretty good considering my busy schedule! Ah SO much has seemed to have happened since my last post.
Because of my job and summer classes I took, it has not seemed like much of a "summer". I really havn't gotten to have much vacation time or get to travel much like my typical summers. So having the past two weeks off has been much needed and appreciated. The last two summers I have been a counselor at Camp Olympia and I can honestly say they were two of the best summers of my life. Camp Olympia will always be dear to my heart for multiple reasons. 1. It was where I met Shane. So yes, I will forever be indebted to it!  2. I met some amazing friends there. They really have an incredible staff. 3. I got to be around some awesome kids that made me learn sooo much about myself and life. It was so hard not being able to work there this summer, so when the opportunity arose for me to go visit, I couldn't say no despite the 4 and half hour drive to camp. So I packed up and headed to good ole Trinity, TX on Friday. I loved seeing all the familiar faces of kids and counselors. But I will say, It made me just miss being there more. Saturday, I headed to College Station for the rest of the weekend and had some much needed girl time with my friend Lauren. I havn't been to CS since the 4th grade. So I didn't remember much of the town, but boy is it fun!

Cindy & Lauren. Two of my favorite people from Camp O.

My cabin from last year

After my weekend of Camp fun I was on my way to Coppell for the birth of my newest nephew! I can't tell you how excited I was to be there. I love love love being an aunt, and now I am an aunt of 4! Joshua Clive Brooks was born on Monday, August 16. He weighed a whopping 9 lbs even. And he couldn't be more perfect. He has a head full of dark brown hair and has the most precious little face.

I mean could he be any more cute? I sure dont think so..

And have you ever seen someone look so good after having a baby? I hope I look half this good.

I returned to Abilene on Wednesday to celebrate Erin's (my roomate) engagement! Kolby proposed to Erin on Friday at the beach. He did an amazing job. Couldn't be more happy and excited for them. And also excited to have one of my best friend to plan weddings with!

Once again, new beginnings are happening. I love it. And one thing became extremely apparent to me the last two weeks, is that I am so extremely blessed. Blessed to have amazing friends and memories from Camp O and for all it has given me. Blessed with an amazing family. Blessed to to be Aunt to four healthy niece and nephews. And Blessed with precious friends.

God is so good. All the time.

Untill next time...xoxo