Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Pug Rescue

Okay, it is no surpise that I love pugs. Like ALOT. So it shouldn't be surprising that I love to look up pugs on the internet. Yesterday I came across a Pug Rescue Website.  Once I starting searching through some of the pictures of little pugs that need to be adopted and read some of their bios, I literally could not stop. I really wish I could just adopt them all. Here is one pug that was put on the website today...

Meet Shakespeare the pug... (These pictures break my heart)

And here is the bio that went with it.. "Hi, I'm Shakespeare, the newest member of the awesome special needs pug team for DFW Pug Rescue. I'm feeling so much better today, but I don't like to think much about what happened before that. When rescue picked me up a few days ago from animal control, they rushed me to their vet clinic for emergency treatment. I had to have both eyes removed, and several teeth, because they said a very bad person had beat and kicked me. I was malnourished, with tapeworm, whipworm, coccidia and heartworm, so I will be in sick bay for a while before I am ready for my forever home."

Okay so this is how many of the sweet little pugs are that need to be adopted. Not all though. Some don't have any special needs like this one. But after reading this sad story can you see why I could not stop searching through the website? So if you are a pug lover or even just a dog lover and are interested in adopting a pug go check out these websites. DFW Pugs, Austin Pug Rescue, Houston Pug Rescue. Or if you are just a sentimental person that loves dogs go search through the pugs bios that need to be adopted. Your heart will break...But you might also get a little chuckle in once you see some of their adorable pictures.

So after searching through these websites all day, I could not wait to show Shane when he got home. He loves pugs almost as much as I do ;) I tried to persuade him to let me adopt one, but I don't think it's going to happen. He said two is enough for us. Aww shucks.

But don't you think our little family needs:

Felix the black pug..

 or Forest the beautiful apricot colored pug..

 or my personal favorite...Mr. Mugsy

Yeah, I think so too!! I told Shane we could either get adopt another pug or....have a baby. HAHA He said we are not ready for either! Which I the baby part at least. But come on Shane, we how can you say no to these sweet little faces? Ah, I can only dream...

Feeling Old

So this past weekend was Bid Night at ACU. Even though I am graduated and not actually in Club anymore, I had been so excited for the night to come. Why? Because all my friends got to come and town! But I am not going to lie, seeing everyone at Bid Night made me feel pretty stinkin old. I can't believe it has been three years since me and my friends were pledging. And that now we have graduated and become big time adults...sorta ;) All I know is I am thankful for the things that bring us back together. Thank you Ko Jo Kai.
 Old and New NuNu Moms :)

My little in Club

And just a little blast from the past. A picture back from when my friends and I got our Kojie Bids.

Saturday night was the ACU football game. I havn't really watched an ACU game in awhile and here was another chance to spend some time with the girls. So off Shane and I went. And did I mention that Shane got picked to kick a fieldgoal at halftime for $10,000. Did I mention that it was a 40 yard fieldgoal as well? Haha. Well, Shane tried his hardest but came up a little short. Okay maybe really short. BUT we all got a good laugh and honestly I think it was the highlight of the game :)

Monday came the day I have been waiting for since I had my surgery on my wrist. I got my stitches out! WOOOOO. They were really starting to get annoying. It might look a little ugly now but I will be rubbing vitamin E oil on it multiple times a day so I don't have a ugly scar! Or maybe I want a scar? It might make me look kind of tough? ...Nah.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


You know when life gets a little bit crazy? Well, that is currently how my life is. I feel like the last couple of weeks have been a whirlwind and I am just trying to keep up and keep my sanity! Here is what has kept me so busy the last three weeks and has kept me from blogging..

School started. Yes, I know I am not currently in school, but my job is at a school. The last few weeks I have been trying to get adjusted to my job and get everything under control. I started working in June, but at the time I was just preparing for what I would be doing. Now the students are here, so I am actually doing what I prepared so long for. And although I love what I am doing, it has been wearing me out! But I know I will get use to it and it will all become second nature.

Shane started fire fighter school. As posted before, I am SO excited for Shane's decision to become a firefighter. But with that, comes fire fighter schooling. Which means lots of studying and classes and mean less time he gets to spend with me. It has been an adjustment to say the least. But I keep telling myself it's just a's just a year! 
 Doesn't he look cute in his uniform?? I sure think so :)

 This month we celebrated our 6 month anniversary. Wow, I still can't believe it has already been 6 months! The time is literally flying by! Shane surprised me and took me to Copper Creek, a restaurant we both have never been to. To say it was very tasty is an understatement. It was wonderful!

Did I mention that we have a fish for all of 6 days? Yep those fair fish die fast. So I've heard. Now I know.

Then this past Friday I had a minor surgery to remove a ganglion cyst that was on my wrist. I have had this pesty little cyst for about 3 years now. Right before we got married I had it checked out and they drained it, but it came back within a WEEK. I was a little frustrated. So a week ago I went back to the doctor and  they said lets take it out! YES! That was what I wanted to hear! Not that I wanted to have surgery, but I was more than ready for it to be gone! And hopefully forever. My sweet parents came down for the weekend to help out. Thank goodness for them! The surgery went fine. I was a little nervous because I have never gone under before, but it wasn't near as bad as I thought it would be. The worst part was not being able to use my arm much for the last couple of days. But it is definitely getting better each day. I have a little more bruising than I thought I would have and the incision is not pretty looking, but I am very thankful the cyst is gone!  
I couldn't get a good picture, but see that little bump on my wrist, that's the cyst! Such a small thing to cause so much pain!

Day after surgery. My fingers were SO swollen! Kind of funny looking!

Lucy kept me company while I laid in bed all weekend :)

A couple of days after surgery. Crazy bruising

And there it is, the ugly incision. Yuck

So that is what I've been up to. It's been one busy month. Hopefully October will be a little less hectic,  be filled with cool weather and lots of pumpkins :)