Sunday, November 14, 2010

Weekend Fun

For some reason this week seemed to creep by and I was excited more than usual for the weekend to come. It turned out to be a wonderful weekend filled with lots of fun, food, movies, relaxing and more food. It started with the Kojie Retreat at the Gymnastics Sports Center. We had our retreat here last year and it was one of my favorite Kojie activites of the whole year, so you could say I was more than a little excited for it again this year. Who doesn't enjoy jumping around on trampolines, bouncing around on spring floors and channeling your inner Shawn Johnson :) But I will admitt, I am way more sore than I should be from it. I am 21 years old. My body is not THAT old. If this is how I feel now, my future isn't looking too good!

I also got my first pair of TOMS this weekend! My sweet NuNu's gave them to me. Hands down, the best gift they could ever give me! I have been dying to get a pair of TOMS for awhile now. I love the whole mission behind them. Now I am a proud owner. And could they be any more cute? I sure don't think so!

This weekend was also a success because I got to have a much needed date with Shane. Both Shane and I have had a busy semester. Me with pledging stuff and him with work. He is by far the hardest worker I have ever met. And I love that about him, but because of both of our schedules, dates are far and few between for us. So Saturday night I decided he deserved a date! We went to my favorite, Abuelos and saw Due Date. It was a great night. Sometimes I think to myself, how did I get so lucky to marry a man like him? It's beyond me!

If only every weekend could be this wonderful :)

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