Thursday, November 4, 2010

Desires of my heart

Tonight I was catching up on twitterworld..yes I just said that...and came across a Tweet from Tenley Molzahn. And yes I am that girl that follows people from The Bachelor. Remember how I said I was a HUGE reality TV fan? Well anyways... her tweet asked "What are the desires of your heart?" This really got me thinking and I really liked this question. So, I decided to write about it. My heart has many desires. Which I think is a good thing.

Here is my list:
-To have a closer and deeper relationship with my savior.
-To be a wonderful and understanding wife to Shane.
-To be a godly woman and show that in everything I do.
-To someday be an amazing mother to my children. One that they can count on and hopefully look up to.
-To have a job that is fulfilling and satisfying. One that I can feel like I am truly helping others.
-To be a great friend. One that will be there no matter what.
-To see god transform this city and nation.

I really enjoyed thinking about this and making this list. Great reflection time... now it's time to get some sleep! 

 ‎"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." Psalm 37:4. 

1 comment:

  1. You will be all of those things, because God will give you the desires of your heart! Love you!
