Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I have a life again!

I know, what a suprise. I am actually blogging again within one week of my last blog. I told you I would get better.

There is a reason for this. A very big one. Pledging is OVER! I know it seems like I am very excited about this, and I am..very excited, but I also am sad. Sad because my NuNu's have now graduated to Kojiehood and no longer need me as their mother. Though, deep down, I will always be their mom! So cheesy...I know. But really, I have enjoyed every bit of getting to be the pledge mom this year and feel so grateful to have gotten this opportunity. This definately was a wonderful way to spend my senior year in college. Thank you girls for everything. You will never know just how special each and everyone of you are to me!

Here is a picture of me and my nunu's on the last day of pledging!
By the way...the Kojie Flag Football team defeated the Siggies in the Championship game last night! So proud.
So now that pledging is over, what do I do with myself? Well...I can actually do alot now. I can study....well maybe just a little. I can spend more time with Shane. Definately have missed that. I can work out...I do have wedding dress to fit into :) And I can plan our wedding! Only 4 1/2 months left. So much to do still. The time is definately going much faster than I expected. Which is okay. Because before I know it, I will be Mrs. Jordana Haught. I love that sound of that :)


  1. I like the background design, keep it up! Glad to see you're doing well.

  2. You are so sweet to mention the champ team! Your blog looks great! love you!
