Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Thankful to be so thankful

I'm alive, I'm alive! It seems that I forgot about this thing, but I promise I didn't. One, I wanted to stock up and have one great post. We will see how that goes. And two, I was some what taking a break from the Internet while on my Thanksgiving break. Well sorta..

The last two weeks have been very productive and filled with lots of joy for me. I have had lots of projects and papers due, so that is where the productive part came in. Just one more week of class and then a week of finals and I am DONE. I see the light at the end of the tunnel finally! So close I can almost taste it ;)

The joy that has filled my days is froming getting to go home to San Antonio to spend Thanksgiving with my family. We had a completely full house, so full that Marci (my sister), Scott (her husband), and Joshua (my three month old nephew) had to stay in a hotel! My sweet niece Kate got to be my roomate for the week which made for a fun time. One night she woke up scared and asked to sleep in bed with me. I couldn't say no and let her climb into bed with me. She felt so special. I woke up with her basically on top of me, kissing me and saying "I love you Aunt George." She definately knows the way to my heart... I feel like I could write a book of the all the funny things my niece and nephews say. Here were some of my favorites of the week:

Tyson looking at my engagement ring- "Wow Aunt George, I love your ring. It's so beautiful and wonderful."
Me - "Thanks Tyson. Uncle Shane gave that to me."
Tyson then grabs my other hand - "Uncle Shane needs to get you two more of those rings for this hand."
Me - "I couldn't agree more Tyson." :)

Kate has this obsession with weddings right now. How perfect huh?
Me (thinking she will name one of her little friends that are boys)- "Kate who are you going to marry?"
Kate - "Shane"
Me - "But I am going to marry Shane."
Kate - "Okay, my daddy" :)
I'm sure your daddy loves that answer sweet Kate.

and lastly, from the loveable Tucker.."Aunt George, you smell like Poopoo."
I hope they know just how much they are loved by their Aunt George!

My Thanksgiving was wonderful. My mother and sister Clarissa cooked their little hearts out and made my tummy very happy. It was so nice to getting to be with everyone. That doesn't get to happen too often. If only we could all live in the same city. Here is a picture of the whole gang...minus Shane. But he will be in all of our family pictures to come :)

And I had to share this one of my goofy dad.

And don't think I forgot about my cooking something once a week! Although, last week I sorta cheated. I mean, I did bake something. But it was from a can and I just added a few ingredients :) But regardless, it's SOMETHING! And I recommend all of you Sprinkles Cupcake fans to pick up a can of this mix! Unfortunately the nearest Sprinkles is in Dallas. So last time I was at Williams Sonoma I bought this to satisfy my love for their cupcakes. It comes with the cake mix in the can and gives you instructions to make the icing. It even included the cute little dots! The cake part turned out wonderfully. It really tasted like theirs! But, the icing...not so much. So I would recommend just using pre-made icing. Unless, you have a great homeade icing recipe!

Hopefully my next creation will be something more original? Maybe something Christmasy? Because I definately have the Christmas Spirit. Only 26 more days! The countdown has began!

1 comment:

  1. The picture of dad is priceless and perfect!
    And Tyson and Tucker LOVE their Aunt George MORE!!
