Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Coconut Berry Smoothie

Since the summer started there have been two things I have been a little obsessed with, Coconut flavored things (Coconut Water, Pina Coladas etc.) and smoothies. Luckily I'm married to someone who enjoys smoothies as much as I do. I have been searching for some new smoothie recipes and came across this one from Jillian Harris. (The Bachelorette from a while back!) And what do you know, it's a smoothie that calls for Coconut Water! I immediately wanted to try it. So I headed to the store to get all the ingredients so I could whip it up. But when I got to the grocery store I quickly realized that I would probably need to go to a Natural Grocers type store to find Organic Coconut Yogurt and the "Healthy Skin with Greens Plus" (Which I am guessing is a supplement to blend into the smoothie so that you are getting greens)

BUT I figured I could still make this smoothie tasty and still nutritious if I changed the recipe up a little bit with what my grocery store did have. And I was right! It was delicious! And Shane loved it too! Double bonus.

Here is the recipe:

-1 frozen banana 
(mine was not frozen because I had just bought them, but I froze the rest of them so they will be for next time I make this!)

-3/4 cup of frozen blueberries 

-2 tablespoons of Vanilla Greek Yogurt 
(If you are not a big fan of the Yogurt taste you could put 1-1 1/2 tablespoons instead)

-1 cup of Coconut water

And blend it all up! So yummy.

What is great about this smoothie is that it is combining to super beneficial ingredients. Coconut Water contains antioxidants and important electrolytes, such as potassium. It is a great drink to have after a workout! I actually made this right after I got done working out. And blueberries are basically a superfood. They are not only a good source of antioxidants but are rich in Vitamin A & C as well as Fiber. Yeah, basically they are the greatest little things ever.

Another tip I got from Jillian Harris's Recipe is to freeze your bananas. I can never buy bananas because we seem to never be able to eat them quick enough before they go bad. This will fix the problem! 

Happy Hump Day!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Last 4 Days

This past Weekend was the first one in what feels like forever that I had nothing to do. No going out of town, no working the firework stand, no babysitting. It was sooo relaxing. Friday we went to a birthday party at the country club. Saturday I cleaned my house, like really cleaned. Swept and mopped the floors. That is really cleaning to me. After cleaning I laid out at the pool with my MIL Jackie. And that evening we had dinner with our friends Eric and Ginna and got to spend time with their sweet little one Madison!  

Sunday after Church we had lunch with all of our friends from our Young Married's Class. We always enjoy being with them. Sunday evening Shane was planning on going to golf with his dad and brother Hunter. But I was really not wanting to spend the evening by myself with nothing to do. So I decided to go with Shane to the golf course. One of the rules of the Country Club golf course is that you have to wear a collared shirt. Do I own a collared/polo type shirt? No. Not even one. So Shane let me borrow one of his. I felt like a boy and wasn't too excited about it, but I ended up having the funnest time. It was the perfect evening to go golfing. We had just had a small rain shower, so it cooled off the evening quite a bit and it was just so relaxing and peaceful out there. Shane let me drive the golf cart and I took score while the boys played. I even got to a hit a few of balls. Yes, I was terrible. But it was my first time to ever hit a golf ball. Well, besides put put, but that doesn't count. 

 Monday, was you know, just blah. It of course was a huge struggle to get out of bed and get to work. But the good thing about Mondays are that out of all the weekday evenings, Monday is my favorite. Why? Because Monday is when I go to Body Pump, my absolute favorite work out class and then I get to come home and watch the Bachelorette. AND to top off my Monday evening, I picked up these at Target for a whopping $5! What a steal! Pretty much all of the shoes were on sale. I could of gotten my self into lots of trouble with this sale, but I had self control and only bought one pair. 

Shane's Monday, was unfortunately not as great as mine. He was working on fixing a mower and hit the motor so hard that it sliced him on his pinkie knuckle. Shane of course was super calm about it. He came by the house and asked me to bring his medical insurance card out. When I did I asked him why he needed it and he said in the most nonchalant way, "Oh, I just cut my hand and need the doctor to clean it." Like it was no big deal. He came home from the doctor with four stitches. So funny how if it was me that got stitches, it would of been a HUGE fiasco. 

My evening tonight will be filled with painting. I am redoing the guest bathroom cabinets. Here is to hoping I can finish them tonight and that they turn out okay! I will post before/after pics when I'm done. Happy Tuesday!

Friday, July 13, 2012

Meet My New Car

Goodbye little blueberry....

Hello pretty!

Okay, so the Denali is not new per-say...but it is new to me! It was actually Shane's parents car. They decided to get a new truck so they asked us if we wanted it! Um, yes! And my little blueberry car is now Hunters (Shane's little brother). That worked out quite nice! So now I am the happy owner of a SUV. I have never had one before. Only have had small cars, so I am a little excited to say the least! But I will say, it is going to take some time to get use to parking this thing! Just a little bit different than parking a small car..

Happy Friday the 13th!

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Happy Birthday to my Sweet Daddy!

This past Friday was my dad's birthday. And I got to be with him on his special day! I was so excited to go to San Antonio for the weekend to not only celebrate him but to get to spend some time with all my family! Well everyone except Shane and Scott :( It was a fun weekend filled with laughter, fireworks, lots of swimming, and lots of eating...good eating. We had Rudy's BBQ one night and it reaffirmed my feelings that it is by far the best BBQ place, ever.

Happy Birthday Dad!! We love you so much! So glad I got to spend your 39th birthday with you ;) 

Now for a TON of pictures from our wonderful weekend:

Now for a few funny things that my niece Kate and nephew Tucker said this weekend:

Kate: When I am older, like when I turn five, can I get a belly button ring like Aunt George? ((goodness gracious, I thought Marci was going to kill me after she said this))

Tucker: Mimi, why is your refrigerator so messy? ((His momma is the ultimate organizer and their refrigerator is ridiculously in order. So, he could just not understand why Mimi's wasn't this way))

Tucker talking to me: Can you bring your face a little closer? 
---I bring it closer and then he plants a kiss on my cheek
Tucker after the kiss: Did you just fall in love with me Aunt George? 

Kate: I want to have a little baby sister named Sarah and Aunt George will have a baby girl named Anastasia.
((Anastasia?? Really Kate?))