Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Fa La La La La

Christmas time is by far my favorite time of year. I know I know, everyone says that. But it really is. I really love everything about it. I love the music, the decorations, the presents :), the cheerful spirit it puts everyone in and mostly what it is really all about. My Christmas really started on the last night I was in Abilene for Shane's birthday. We exchanged gifts then since we wouldn't be together on the actual day. There was only one problem. You see, Shane's mom, Jackie always fills a stocking for me too. And the problem was that since Shane's little brother Dylan still believes in Santa, Jackie was worried that if she gave me my stocking then Dylan would realize that it was from her and not Santa. But don't worry, we quickly solved this dilemma. Shane's little brothers wrote Santa a letter asking if he would fill my stocking early since I wasn't going to be with them on Christmas day. And what do you know, Santa came early :) Such a smart plan.
I headed back home the day before Christmas eve so I could be with my family. I came home to a wonderfully decorated house that was decked out head to toe in Christmas gear. My mom has become quite the collector of Christmas decorations. She has 12 bins full of stuff to be exact. So you can only imagine what our house looked like. But honestly, I think our house feels the homie-est whenever they are up. Christmas eve came and we did all our normal traditions. We went to the Christmas Eve service at church. I have always loved the service because it really gives me a break from all Christmas madness and makes me remember what Christmas is all about it. And I really love singing Christmas songs :) Then after our Christmas Eve dinner, we all changed into our pajamas, piled all into one car and headed out to look a Christmas lights. This is something we have done since I dont even know when. I remember doing it when me and my sisters were little. And we stopped by Marci's middle school boyfriend's house. We pushed her out of the car in her pj's. She was mortified. Ah, such fun memories :) Anways, this really is something I look forward to doing all December. This year we got to take Tyson and Tucker. It was their first experience. And they loveddddd it. Especially Tucker. Literally every house we passed he pointed and screamed, "LOOOOOK MOMMY!" And when I say scream, I mean it. All of our ears were ringing by the end of the trip. Though none of us minded because it was so fun to see the boys so excited to see Christmas lights. We then came home and finished wrapping presents, because of course we all had procrastinated and hadn't wrapped any of them. Christmas morning came and Tucker and Tyson were ecstatic to find that Santa had left so many presents for them. Santa was also good to the rest of us in the Chisholm household. It was a wonderful Christmas. We missed Marci, Scott, Kate and Joshua. But hopefully next Christmas we will all get to be together. And next Christmas Shane will be added to the mix. I can't wait to spend the rest of my Christmas' with him :)

Happy Birthday to Shane!

Yes I know Shane's birthday was almost a week ago..but I still feel that he deserves a blog post. Last Wednesday Shane turned 23! Since Shane I started dating I have yet to spend his birthday with him. Because it's around Christmas, I am usually with my family and have to miss it, but this year I decided I wanted to be a sweet fiance and spend it with him. So I headed back to Abilene for a 4 day trip. I thought of all of the fun stuff Shane and I could while I was there. I mean theres no school and no work. There is an endless possibility of things we can do with all this time. But what I didn't remember was that Shane DID still have to work. I sometimes forget that he has a big boy job now and doesn't get five week breaks like I do. So I spent most of my time with Shane's sweet mom Jackie. Which was totally fine with me! I really am lucky to have such a cool soon to be mother-in-law. Overall it was a nice relaxing trip to Abilene for an extra special Birthday Boy. Happy Birthday to you my love!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Meet Lucy Haught. Our newest addition!

If you even slightly know me, you should know how obessed I am with pugs. It is almost sad how much I love these little smushed face cuties. And I don't care if you think they are ugly. To me they are the cutest dogs on the face of the earth. Are you starting to realize how much I love them?

My love for them rubbed off on Shane and about two years ago Shane adopted Frank from a family friend. He was a year old at the time and really was perfect for Shane. He was already potty trained and out of the puppy stage so it was really the ideal situation. We couldn't love Frank more and couldn't wait to get another pug once we got married. But the plans to wait till we got married to get another one changed when we got a call from a friend who said she knew of a sweet little girl pug who was needing a home. Me and Shane both are softies for rescuing puppies so we definately were up for it! We met with the owner at the home of a local Abilene woman that does Pug Rescue. She had six adorable pugs at her house. I was in heaven! I think I might have a calling to do pug rescue? Ha. After a few minutes of playing with sweet Lucy, we knew she would be perfect for us! So we adopted her! Now we have a little pug family.