Tuesday, November 9, 2010

It's about time

For the year and half that me and my roomates have lived in our wonderful house together, we have only cooked a meal about a handful of times. Seriously. Could count all the times on one hand. This is outrageous! One of the things we were most excited about getting a house was that we would be able to have a kitchen to cook in unlike the dorms. So what's the deal been? Well, we don't really know. BUT things are going to change. And it all starts tonight. Tonight we made...breakfast for dinner! Okay yes, it is probably one of the easiest meals to make. But it is also one of the best! We have to start somewhere. Kylah and Rachel gathered up all the ingredients and we got to work. Look at our fabulous feast..
Lacy's amazing quiche!

Now comes my goal for the last 4 months of me living here. My goal is to bake at LEAST one thing a week. Preferably something new that I have never made before. I have always enjoyed cooking so it is about time that I make some time for it. And I do need to get some good practice in before I become a wife! To keep myself accountable for this I will post a picture of my creation every week for all to see. And if it is tasty I will even include the recipe for all to try!

First on my list to make.....Lemon Cheesecake Bread. Mmm hope it turns out as good as it sounds.

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