Wednesday, June 22, 2011

My Guilty Pleasure: Summer Television

Top Six Favorite Shows:

1. The Bachelorette - Of course this is at the top of my list! I can't get enough of this show....well maybe I can. Don't get me wrong I love the show, but if Ashley doesn't stop talking about Bentley I might go crazy! You are acting ridiculous Ashey! Get over him...please.

Ok, is it just me or do they show Ashley's stomach alot? Oh, yeah I might show mine too if it looked like this! ABS

See what I mean? She makes me want to go work out after every episode.

So of course, I am still very much Team JP but.......

Ames is in a close second! I know suprising....but how can you not like him! He is so sweet.

2. So You Think You Can Dance - I literally am so excited for summer to come each year for this show. And this year the contestants i.n.c.r.e.d.i.b.l.e. I don't know how they are going to pick who goes home each week because they are all that good. This was my favorite dance from last week. Can't wait to watch tonight!

3. The Voice - This Show completely suprised me. I have always been a big fan of American Idol, so i've never really gotten into other singing competition shows. But I am actually loving this one! I am a big fan of Javier and Dia. They are SOO good. This version of Angel by Sara Mclaughlin that Javier did is amazing! Though everytime I hear this song I think of the Junior classes sing sing act from this year :)

4. Pretty Little Liars - Shane would die if he watched this show with me. It is definitely a guilty pleasure! I don't know why I love it so much....well maybe I do. The girls are all BEAUTIFUL. Seriously, I could watch just to look at them and their amazing clothes! And because I want to know who "A" is and who killed Allie. TELL US ALREADY! The suspense is killing me.

5. Friday Night Lights - Okay, I would of made this list a year ago, FNL would of been one of the first on my list. But this season is getting to me. In not a good way. I hate what they have done with Julie's character. And I am kind of missing some of the old cast. Please get it together FNL!

Bring back these characters!
6. Extreme Makeover Weight Loss Edition - The title of this show speaks for itself. I am always so amazed by people that can lose an extreme amount of weight like this. They are so inspiring! I am a huge fan of Biggest Loser so naturally I love this show too. Can't get through an episode without crying!

So this is what keeps me entertained during the summer. What is your top shows?

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