Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Must Love Dogs

So it's no big secret......I am a HUGE dog lover. I grew up having dogs and my love for them has just grown over the years. When I was about 14 years old I developed an obession with pugs. I know many people don't, but I happened to love their rolley faces and eyes that bug out of their head. I think it is absolutely adorable. And soon I had a pug of my very own, Spencer. I went off to college and obviously didn't get to bring him, so he became my parents dog. Which he kind of always was because he never liked me very much :) During my college days I couldn't wait till the day when I didn't live in the dorms and could have a pug of my own again. But I didn't have to wait too long because my sophomore year Shane adopted Frank. Frank is one ball of energy. He was a perfect match for Shane :) He might be hyper but he really is one of the sweetest dogs out there. He couldn't hurt a fly. I was excited that Shane got Frank, but I still wanted a pug of my own. A little girl pug perferably. Then the day came along where we got the opportunity to adopt Lucy. Finally, I got my little girl. A dog that actually really liked me :) She has been such a sweet addition to our family. A month or so back Lucy had a hard fall off ond of our bar stools at the house and had a pretty severe concussion that caused a seizure. She's been doing better since then, but yesterday had another seizure. We took her to the vet again to see what was going on. He took some blood work and said he would get back to us. Then Lucy had ANOTHER seizure today. The vet thinks Lucy may have epilepsy. We have started her on convulsion medicine and I hope to goodness it helps her. Seizures are no good and awfully scary to watch. I know some people think, oh it's just a dog and may think I am a bit dramatic. And that's okay. But our dogs are so much more to me than just a "dog". They bring us lots of companionship and laughter. I can't imagine not having them. I can only hope and pray that this medicine will help our poor little pup. It makes me so sad to see her sick :(

Frank, Spencer and Lucy

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