Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Down in the Dumps

Life has been crazy lately. Like ridiculous. Work is busy and stressful. Shane is gone alot between firefighter school, work and chimney sweeping. My dog, Lucy is sick and we can't figure out what to do for her. And I am getting an insane amont of headaches and knots in my neck. I blame the stress..

Sick little Lucy :(
I know things will start looking up..but lately I've been feeling overwhelmed. Because I am having one of those debbie downer days I am going to try to think of all the positives in my life. Currently these are the things that are getting me through my days:

-The amazing sales Dillard's is currently having. Oh.my.word. Shoes, clothes, everything. I have already gotten three pairs of shoes. I know, I know. But 65% off. Yeah, you know you are going to run to Dillards now too.

-My heating pad. Helps me on those super rough days where I feel like my neck is about to snap.

-My sweet parents coming into town just to hang out with me. They are the greatest.

-Movie nights with Shane on his only night off, Monday.

-The beautiful flowers my oldest sister, Clarissa sent to my work. They are over a week old and still look beautiful.

-Oatmeal. I know this is silly, but I have been craving this healthy little breakfast item for the past two weeks. Add a little cinnamon+granola = amazingness

-The anticipation and events to come for one of my besties, Rachel's upcoming nuptials. I am getting so excited!

Sometimes when I am super down, I just have to remember how wonderful my life really is. I have a great job, an amazing and loving husband, a supportive family and sweet friends. Yes sometimes life can seem downright poopy, but it is a good life. And I really couldn't be more blessed.


  1. And, you are very loved by many!!

  2. i love you little sister!!!! when i get down, i have pinterest nights...and i think you'd like them, too :) that sounds so silly, but it makes me feel good either doing something for someone else or something fun for myself! i love you precious!

  3. SO true! Great Post! Something to remember when I'm feeling down. And don't forget after every storm there's a rainbow! :-)
