Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Bachelor Pad and Hot Dogs

So, wanna know what Bachelor Pad and Hot Dogs have in common? They are both things I love to hate. Why you might ask? Because they are addicting but so RIDICULOUS. And unhealthy. Well, the hot dogs are unhealthy at least. Although my husband might say Bachelor Pad is unhealthy also. Anyways, this past Monday was the premiere of Bachelor Pad 2 and of course I couldn't wait to watch. But, it was three very long hours long. Way too long if you ask me. Basically the whole three hours was Jake/Vienna drama. Don't get me wrong I love drama in my TV shows, but it was starting to get a bit ridiculous. As the very long premiere came to an end I was very unsure of who's team I was on. I have decided neither. Hope next weeks episode will focus on someone else!

Now to hot dogs. I don't know if I am alone on this but I love hot dogs. Like really love them. I would actually choose a hot dog over a hamburger any day. The sad part of this is that I am Nutritionist and I know how terrible they are. SO why do I still love them? Wish I could tell you. But I have found the solution, TURKEY DOGS. Some of you might have already discovered these. Probably many have. But I recently had my first tasting of them. And loved them! And here is the great part, depending on the brand, turkey dogs can be half the calories and half the grams of fat. That makes them a winner in my book. Are they still one of the greatest things to eat? Maybe not the greatest. BUT they are definitely much better than regular beef franks! That's a win for me!
Sorry I had to throw in this precious picture. When I googled "hot dog" this little cutie came up! Aw

Did I mention how excited I am for So You Think You Can Dance tonight? And tomorrow is the finale! Who is going to be the big winner? I'd bet money on Melanie! She has been my fave from the beginning. In honor of SYTYCD, here are my favorite dances from last week.
Sasha and Kent

..And Caitlynn and Marko

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