Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Happy Birthday to my Sweet Daddy!

This past Friday was my dad's birthday. And I got to be with him on his special day! I was so excited to go to San Antonio for the weekend to not only celebrate him but to get to spend some time with all my family! Well everyone except Shane and Scott :( It was a fun weekend filled with laughter, fireworks, lots of swimming, and lots of eating...good eating. We had Rudy's BBQ one night and it reaffirmed my feelings that it is by far the best BBQ place, ever.

Happy Birthday Dad!! We love you so much! So glad I got to spend your 39th birthday with you ;) 

Now for a TON of pictures from our wonderful weekend:

Now for a few funny things that my niece Kate and nephew Tucker said this weekend:

Kate: When I am older, like when I turn five, can I get a belly button ring like Aunt George? ((goodness gracious, I thought Marci was going to kill me after she said this))

Tucker: Mimi, why is your refrigerator so messy? ((His momma is the ultimate organizer and their refrigerator is ridiculously in order. So, he could just not understand why Mimi's wasn't this way))

Tucker talking to me: Can you bring your face a little closer? 
---I bring it closer and then he plants a kiss on my cheek
Tucker after the kiss: Did you just fall in love with me Aunt George? 

Kate: I want to have a little baby sister named Sarah and Aunt George will have a baby girl named Anastasia.
((Anastasia?? Really Kate?))