Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Coconut Berry Smoothie

Since the summer started there have been two things I have been a little obsessed with, Coconut flavored things (Coconut Water, Pina Coladas etc.) and smoothies. Luckily I'm married to someone who enjoys smoothies as much as I do. I have been searching for some new smoothie recipes and came across this one from Jillian Harris. (The Bachelorette from a while back!) And what do you know, it's a smoothie that calls for Coconut Water! I immediately wanted to try it. So I headed to the store to get all the ingredients so I could whip it up. But when I got to the grocery store I quickly realized that I would probably need to go to a Natural Grocers type store to find Organic Coconut Yogurt and the "Healthy Skin with Greens Plus" (Which I am guessing is a supplement to blend into the smoothie so that you are getting greens)

BUT I figured I could still make this smoothie tasty and still nutritious if I changed the recipe up a little bit with what my grocery store did have. And I was right! It was delicious! And Shane loved it too! Double bonus.

Here is the recipe:

-1 frozen banana 
(mine was not frozen because I had just bought them, but I froze the rest of them so they will be for next time I make this!)

-3/4 cup of frozen blueberries 

-2 tablespoons of Vanilla Greek Yogurt 
(If you are not a big fan of the Yogurt taste you could put 1-1 1/2 tablespoons instead)

-1 cup of Coconut water

And blend it all up! So yummy.

What is great about this smoothie is that it is combining to super beneficial ingredients. Coconut Water contains antioxidants and important electrolytes, such as potassium. It is a great drink to have after a workout! I actually made this right after I got done working out. And blueberries are basically a superfood. They are not only a good source of antioxidants but are rich in Vitamin A & C as well as Fiber. Yeah, basically they are the greatest little things ever.

Another tip I got from Jillian Harris's Recipe is to freeze your bananas. I can never buy bananas because we seem to never be able to eat them quick enough before they go bad. This will fix the problem! 

Happy Hump Day!

1 comment:

  1. I will have to try looks good!! And your background is super cute!
