Thursday, November 10, 2011


You know, I really don't mind cleaning and keeping up with the chores around my house. Sometimes I even find cleaning therapeutic. And it for sure makes me feel accomplished when I clean.  But there is one chore I can't stand.....folding the laundry. It is even hard to type it out because I dislike it that much. I don't mind the cleaning part of laundry. It is just the folding. Yuck. For the past two weeks I have been great about getting the laundry cleaned, but once it is done I throw it on the guest bed to be folded. But has it been folded? No, of course not. Two weeks of mine and Shane's clothes+towels+sheets is just piling up on the bed. Finally today I decided I have to put my dislike aside and....fold. 

Yes, it covered all of our queen size bed. Ridiculous.

An hour later, everything was folded and put away. Anyone have an advice on how to make folding easier/more fun/tolerable?

1 comment:

  1. Oh my gracious, I am the exact same way. I.loathe.laundry. My only advice is make sure your husband always has underwear in his drawer. Stu gets so irritated when he has to dig thru the clean laundry in the bin to find underwear. :)
