Monday, March 4, 2013

Week 24

Well another weekend has passed but yet I still don't feel rested from it. I actually feel the complete opposite. How does this happen? Oh, I know....because cleaning when you are 6 months pregnant is not an easy task. I woke up with sore legs and a hurting back. The feeling I get after an intense workout. But there was no working out going on. Well, unless you count cleaning your whole house as an intense workout. Which I think I might start counting it as one..

Not a whole lot of new stuff going on here. Just going through the motions and still trying to prepare for this little one. Monday night was Dittos for Kiddos. If you are not from Abilene or not familiar with this, it is one MASSIVE kids consignment sale. I have had this on the calender for awhile now and was super excited about it. Shane on the other hand was not as excited. He said that just because things are cheaper, doesn't mean we need to go crazy a get more. Well guess who was the one going crazy at the sale? Shane. Yep, the guy was like a kid in a candy store. I think he might just be a little excited about Hutton ;-) We came out with some great finds! But we have now decided that we do not need to do anymore shopping for him till after our baby showers. This is going to be a hard task, but I am trying to stay strong.

So instead of shopping for the little guy, we will just build stuff for him! I had thought of this idea to make these shelves/holders for his books. Since Shane had made his name sign out of old fence wood, I thought it would be pretty neat to make the shelves out of this too. Well, I turned to etsy for some inspiration and sure enough they had something just like I was imagining....just for $90 dollars. Well Shane whipped this out in about 30 minutes for a grand total for $0 dollars. Man, I sure love my handy man!
I still need more books to fill them with, but I absolutely love the way they turned out!

How far along?: 24 weeks 4 days

Baby is the size of a: Cantaloupe. This kinda shocked me. To me cantaloupe's are big. I can't believe he is already this big! But it makes since now why I feel so big...

Development this week: His see-through skin is gradually becoming more opaque and it's got a new pink glow, thanks to the small capillaries that have recently formed.

Best moment this week: Dittos for Kiddos for sure...and our monthly checkup on Hutton. Heartbeat was great and he is measuring exactly on his due date. AND finding out that Hutton has a best buddie coming in August. Our friends Katie and Eric found out last week they are having a boy! Parker and Hutton are already besties and don't even know it!

Food cravings: ehh maybe fruit? Strawberries

Anything making you queasy or sick: Raw meat kind of grossed me out this week.

Symptoms: Not a whole lot of symptoms, but I am very tired. I have my days. Most days I feel pretty normal, but then I have my sleepy days. Today is a sleepy day.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Very very happy! Happier than usual.

Looking forward to: Seeing some of my family this weekend. I havn't seen them since Christmas!

1 comment:

  1. Shane is the bomb when it comes to whipping out your creations! And, yea for this weekend! Can't wait to see you, Shane & Hutton!
