Saturday, January 19, 2013

It's a ......

Boy!! Baby H is a sweet little baby boy! And he has a name! No more it or he/she.

So let me start out explaining this last week and if you remember correctly from my last post, we weren't suppose to find out the gender of Baby H till Feb. 4. Well, last Friday night I really started getting impatient. Technically, most people can find out the gender from 16 weeks-20 weeks. Some even before that! I was almost 18 weeks and just feeling really anxious to find out if we were having a boy or girl. I like to plan things out and I am dying to start buying all things baby and starting creating the nusery. So knowing that I could technically already know what we were having, but having to wait till almost 21 weeks..was KILLING me. So on Monday Shane, being the sweet husband he is, called a private sonogram place here in Abilene to see if they could get us in sooner than our Appointment we had with the doctor on the 4th. He called and told me they could get me in NEXT Wednesday (Jan. 23rd). That was pretty close to my already scheduled appointment, but it was still sooner. So we decided we would do it. He also added in that because he called and made this appointment that in return I had to make him some really yummy chili for dinner that night. I agreed and was so excited to be a little closer to knowing what our little one was! He then called back the sonogram place to confirm the appointment. I got a call from him not much after and he said "So are you still planning to make me chili tonight?" I said yes...and he said "Well it better be extra good because I got them to move up your appointment to THIS Wednesday (Jan. 16). I was so stinkin excited! So excited that I barely slept the next two nights.

Wednesday finally came and I was an anxious mess all day long. Our appointment wasn't till 6:00pm. Talk about torture! I shouldn't have even gone to work. My mind was defintely not there. It was finally time for the appointment and one it began, we very quickly found out that our little one was a boy. It was pretty funny. When the tech started she immedately saw that it was a boy and quickly tried to move the probe away so we wouldn't see it right away. I knew something was up. Then she said "Man, he just doesn't want to stay still does he!" We immediately said "You just said he!" And she said "Yeah, it's pretty obvious it's a boy!" haha. We are so excited to be having a boy. I truly believe that God knows what we need and that he wanted me to be a mom to a little boy. He was just the cutest little wiggle worm on the screen. I am always in awe of God, but seeing our little boy and his sweet heart just a beating away really shows what a mighty God we serve.

Now for the name. Hutton Allan Haught. Our sweet little Hutton. Shane and I decided a while back that we liked H names. I really don't know why. It just seemed like every H name we liked and we felt sounded good with our last name. I feel like Hutton just fits us and I totally did the "call out the babies name" test. I for sure could imagine myself calling for Hutton. I just love the way it sounds! Allan because it is Shane's middle name and his dad's name. It was just fitting for our first born son to have the same middle name has his dad :)

We are feeling more blessed than ever and really can't wait for June to be here. Hutton, you are already so loved and have already brought us so much joy and you aren't even here yet! We can't wait to meet you!



  1. And he is going to love y'all soo much!!

  2. Congrats! What a precious name! Cherish every moment of goes so quickly. Be in awe of even the less-than-fun stuff. It is all so amazing!
