Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I know I know, I have already become bad about updating. But I figure If I can get one post every week, that will be pretty good considering my busy schedule! Ah SO much has seemed to have happened since my last post.
Because of my job and summer classes I took, it has not seemed like much of a "summer". I really havn't gotten to have much vacation time or get to travel much like my typical summers. So having the past two weeks off has been much needed and appreciated. The last two summers I have been a counselor at Camp Olympia and I can honestly say they were two of the best summers of my life. Camp Olympia will always be dear to my heart for multiple reasons. 1. It was where I met Shane. So yes, I will forever be indebted to it!  2. I met some amazing friends there. They really have an incredible staff. 3. I got to be around some awesome kids that made me learn sooo much about myself and life. It was so hard not being able to work there this summer, so when the opportunity arose for me to go visit, I couldn't say no despite the 4 and half hour drive to camp. So I packed up and headed to good ole Trinity, TX on Friday. I loved seeing all the familiar faces of kids and counselors. But I will say, It made me just miss being there more. Saturday, I headed to College Station for the rest of the weekend and had some much needed girl time with my friend Lauren. I havn't been to CS since the 4th grade. So I didn't remember much of the town, but boy is it fun!

Cindy & Lauren. Two of my favorite people from Camp O.

My cabin from last year

After my weekend of Camp fun I was on my way to Coppell for the birth of my newest nephew! I can't tell you how excited I was to be there. I love love love being an aunt, and now I am an aunt of 4! Joshua Clive Brooks was born on Monday, August 16. He weighed a whopping 9 lbs even. And he couldn't be more perfect. He has a head full of dark brown hair and has the most precious little face.

I mean could he be any more cute? I sure dont think so..

And have you ever seen someone look so good after having a baby? I hope I look half this good.

I returned to Abilene on Wednesday to celebrate Erin's (my roomate) engagement! Kolby proposed to Erin on Friday at the beach. He did an amazing job. Couldn't be more happy and excited for them. And also excited to have one of my best friend to plan weddings with!

Once again, new beginnings are happening. I love it. And one thing became extremely apparent to me the last two weeks, is that I am so extremely blessed. Blessed to have amazing friends and memories from Camp O and for all it has given me. Blessed with an amazing family. Blessed to to be Aunt to four healthy niece and nephews. And Blessed with precious friends.

God is so good. All the time.

Untill next time...xoxo

Thursday, August 12, 2010


I am so glad I have finally found some time to update this!

First things first, Shane graduated last Friday! Hooray! Couldn't be more excited for him. I think he is the most excited since he will NEVER have to attend class again. Shane, nor I, are very fond of school. So being done, is quite a big deal! The graduation ceremony was suprisingly very nice. Since he graduated in August, there wasn't as many people. Only 60 people graduated to be exact. I think I speak for everyone there when I say that I thoroughly enjoyed it only lasting for about an hour! Now if only my graduation could be that long in May....

Saturday I left for a mini vacation in San Antonio...hence the title...but it hasn't been much of a Vacation. I have been busy as a bee! Havn't had much down time at all... My days have been filled with me running around like a mad women getting everything ready for pledging. Lots of copies, cutting, sewing, stamping, & trips to office max. My parents dining room table has turned into my work space. And when I am not working on pledge stuff, I am going to doctor's appointments to figure out what is wrong with my wrist. Turns out I have a ganglion cyst on it. It is very common, but I will most likely I have to have a small surgery to remove it. Bummer.. Although, they did say that in the olden days people would just smash it with a book. My mom keeps saying we should do that, and I tell her that she has lost her mind..

Yesterday I did get to escape the madness for a bit to visit our Wedding Venue in Austin. Thank goodness for that! It was such a fun day. We met with our florist and decided on all of our flowers for the wedding. I feel like I say this often, but everytime I get something else planned for the wedding, it makes it more and more surreal that I am getting married! This is what every girl dreams about, and now it's happening. Still sooo crazy to me. Figuring out flowers was especially fun. My bouquet will be filled with Peonies, which is my favorite. Ah, I just can't wait for it to be March! It's going to be such an amazing day..

Here's some pictures I took yesterday from The Plantation House (the venue)

Do you think we will be able to fit 10 bridesmaids and 10 groomsmen in there? :)

As I warned in my last post, I now will take the time to comment on my latest guilty pleasure show; The Bachelor Pad. Wow, was really all I could say about the first episode. Love Tenley and Kiptyn.. Of course. How can you not love them? But what was the deal with Elizabeth? Was she really blackmailing Jesse to make him act like he likes her? That's a new one.. Can't wait for Monday's episode.

By the way, today is my roomie, Amy's 21st birthday! Everyone tell her happy birthday :) Wish I could be there with you to celebrate!

Untill next time...


Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Ah, my first blog to write. How exciting this is! I've been thinking about starting a blog for awhile now. Both of my sisters blog, and I love the whole idea of it. As you can see the title of my Blog is "New Beginnings." I am in this really fun and interesting time in my life. A time of lots of new beginnings physically, emotionally and spiritually. So why not share about it?

I recently got engaged to the most amazing man, (April 10 to be exact) and I am going through the crazy, but fun, wedding planning process. That right there could give me enough to blog about. Who would of known how much goes into wedding planning? Well, I sure didn't. I also am about to start my senior year in college. This really blows my mind. So I am about to start having to search for a "real" job. And in order to be able to look for this real job, I have to know what I want to do with my life. I just feel like I am in this weird crossroads time.  So many things are changing. I do like change. I think change is good. But also, a bit scary. That is why I am excited for this blog. I can share all these feelings and emotions I am going through. The good, bad, and sometimes even the ugly emotions. Hopefully more good than bad! I am warning you though, I am not the greatest speller, and my grammer might not always be correct. So please, just bear with me.

A few things about me...and things going on in my life that will be frequent topics of my blog

-I am getting married. Obviously. Date is March 13, 2011.

-I love being an aunt and I love getting to see my sisters with their children. They inspire me so much. I hope to be half of the mother they are someday. I am about to be an aunt of FOUR! My middle sister, Marci, is set to have little Joshua on August 16. The countdown has begun..

-I have two AMAZING parents. And when I say amazing, I am not exaggerating. I feel so incredibly blessed.

-I am NuNu mother for my social Club. For most of you, you will have no idea what this means. Heck, you probably don't even know what a "Social Club" is. Social Club is the snazzy name ACU has for sororities and fraternaties. And basically NuNu mother, means I am in charge of all of the pledges we have. This is going to take up ALOT of my time this Fall. Which I am totally excited for. But, this means you will probably hear about the adventures of pledging often...sorry! (No secrets of course!)

-I am obessed with Reality TV. Well, really all TV. I will probably blog quite frequently about my favorite shows. :) Again, sorry...

Until next time...
