Saturday, December 1, 2012

Baby Beloved

I've never been this excited to write a post before. This was by far been the hardest secret I have EVER had to keep in my life. Ah, we are having a baby!!!!

Just writing those words still doesn't feel real yet. But it is....and we could not be more happy/excited/blessed.  

Shane and I made the decision a couple of months ago that we would start trying. Yes, we only had been married for a year and a half, but having kids was on the top of both of our priority lists. We had a long talk about it one night and decided we were ready to start trying.  We talked a lot about if it was the right time....and we decided when is it really ever the right time? Okay, I know there are lots of people who probably don't agree with us on this. And that is OKAY. But someone told us once that there is never the perfect time. There is always going to be something you can come up with for why it isn't. Now, am I saying that everyone is ready right this second to have a baby... NO.  But for us we decided we were ready. So we decided to start the trying process.  And I mean it's not like it always just happens right away. Right? I know lots of people who try for a whole year before getting pregnant. Well, we tried for about three months. Then came that wonderful day. 10/11/12 to be exact :-) That evening I told Shane that I wanted to take a pregnancy test. He told me I should wait another day, but I knew I wouldn't be able to sleep if I didn't take a test. He agreed that I could take one test to see what it said. I took the first one and it very quickly displayed two lines! My heart has never beaten so fast. I looked at Shane and said, "Oh my gosh, it has two lines!" and he quickly said, "no it doesn't, I don't see anything!" Haha Poor Shane had never even seen a pregnancy test and didn't even know where to look! Then I showed him. We were both in shock. But so extremely excited. So I decided to take came out positive. Then another.. again positive. We couldn't believe it. I think we might have hugged 5 times. We are literally over the moon!
June 20, 2013 to be more exact!

The last couple of weeks havn't been too hard on me. I havn't had any morning sickness (thank goodness!) but I haven't quite felt myself. I don't have near the energy I use to and feel like a zombie most nights. Poor Shane has been having to put up with me! What has been the hardest was keeping this secret! How can you not tell people some of the most important news of your life?  Talk about torture! 

We had our first sonogram last Monday and I can't begin to tell you how joyous of a day it was. We got to see our little gummy bear, which is what I like to call it because it legitimately looks like a gummy bear right now. It was wiggling so much and had a strong heartbeat of 164 bpm. I have known I was pregnant for a little while now, but after seeing and hearing the baby I think it finally feels real. We are going to be parents!

Just the littlest bump right now. But hey, its something! Looks more like I have had one too many donuts  ;-)

How far along? 11 Weeks

Baby is the size of a: Lime

Development this week: This week our baby is officially developed enough to be called a fetus! 

Best moment this week:  (This was actually last week) Seeing and hearing Baby H's heartbeat at our first sonogram. Just amazing..

Food cravings: Strawberries and Mac and Cheese :-) But I am not to the point where I just HAVE to have it. It just sounds yummy most of the time.

Anything making you queasy or sick: There isn't just one certain thing that makes me feel sick, but I do feel more picky on what I eat. Just not everything sounds good.

Symptoms: Overall feeling okay, but I am feeling extra tired! Evenings are typically the hardest for me. All I want to do is lay on the couch.

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy most of the time! Except at night..I'm serious...straight zombie mode.

Looking forward to: Getting back to my Body Pump Class! I haven't been since I found out I was pregnant, but since I have been feeling fine I am going back! I'll take it easy of course though ;-)


  1. We are over the moon happy as well! I tear up every time just thinking about it! Baby H (gummy bear) you are already loved more than you know!

  2. So happy for you, Jordana! You will be the BEST mom!

    1. Thanks Laura! For some reason I can't view your blog anymore :( I miss reading about you and your sweet family! Hope y'all are doing wonderful!!

    2. Send me your email address and I can re-invite you! :)
