Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Grandchild Blessing

This past Sunday Shane's grandparents had a little Christmas party for all the grandkids. It was so special getting to be a part of this. I loved the idea of having this grandchild blessing that I had to share..

After Christmas last year Shane's grandmother Paulette told each grandchild that she was going to crochet an afghan blanket for each of us. She asked us to pick which color of yarn and design we wanted. All year long she has worked on them for us. All 11 of us grandkids! Then on Sunday we all headed to their house for the blessing. We had Christmas food and treats, sang Christmas carols, and then they gave each of us our blankets as well as a blessing. 

We are truly blessed!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011


Not sure if you all have seen this or not, but it bothered me so much I felt that I had to post it! I came across this article this morning that talks about the popular clothing line H&M and how it uses a fake computerized body and then crops a head on top for modeling their clothes. I guess this bothers me so much because 1 in 200 American women suffers from anorexia and 2 to 3 in 100 American women suffers from bulimia. We wonder why there are so many people suffering from eating disorders? Maybe it is because people look at these FAKE models and wish they could look like this. But in reality, it is not even a real person. This makes me so sad..

You can find the articles here and here that talk about this.