So things have been once again a little crazy around the Haught household! In the last two weeks we have gotten a new car, had Valentines day, gotten all of Hutton's furniture in and had Sing Song weekend. Might not seem like that much, but for this pregnant girl it is! I've been pooped!
My new car! I really really love it. I know most people upsize in cars when they have kids, but we actually downsized..big time. We went from a Yukon to this Ford Fusion. But we have good reasons. 1. The Yukon was getting old and starting to have problems. 2. We are having 1 child, not 3. We honestly didn't need all that room. 3. GAS MILEAGE...need I say more?
We also got to see Hutton again at our Anatomy Scan. This is his face looking right at us. I think he already loves the camera ;-) Which is good, because this mama will be taking TONS of pictures. He needs to just get ready for it..
Valentine's dinner w/ my favorite valentine.
We put together his precious monkey swing. I might be slightly obsessed with all things monkey. I know it is a little early to start assembling things, but I just had to do one. And it's just so cute!
And here is his crib! We also got a dresser/hutch and nightstand. but I didn't get pictures of those. Hutton officially has furniture!
Now here are the latest stats!
How far along?: 22 Weeks. 23 weeks on Thursday
Baby is the size of a: Papaya. The average baby measures about 10.5 to 11.8 inches and weighs about 12.7 to 20.8 ounces at this point.
Development this week: Now that he's got more developed eyes and lips, he's looking even more like a newborn and he's sleeping in cycles -- about 12 to 14 hours per day.
Best moment this week: Shane getting to feel Hutton kick for the first time! I have been feeling him move for about 2 or 3 weeks now. But everytime I tell Shane he is moving and to put his hand on my tummy, he can never feel anything. Well on Saturday night he was being very active and Shane felt him multiple times! Shane was so excited. It was precious.
Food cravings: None. I know, weird.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Still no.
Symptoms: Still good, but still uncomfortable to sit for long periods of times. I know it will only get more uncomfortable from here!
Symptoms: Still good, but still uncomfortable to sit for long periods of times. I know it will only get more uncomfortable from here!
Happy or Moody most of the time: I have been very happy the last couple of weeks. The moodiness seems to have subsided :-)
Awww! Thank you!