Well, this very well could be my last update before Hutton makes his grand appearance into the world. I might be able to squeeze one last post next week, but we will just have to see! I am not a very patient person. I am aware of this. Well, I shouldn't say that. There are certain things I am patient with. I can be very patient with people, but with events or things I am excited about...yeah, no patience whatsoever! So waiting for little guy's arrivial has been torture. I have honestly had an easy peasy pregnancy. It really has been very laid back. I have not had many of the normal symptoms of pregnancy, have had no complications and have not gotten sick once. I really can't complain. But the last month of this pregnancy have been hard. You just get to a point where your tummy is so big that it is extremely hard to get comfortable. It's hard to sit, sleep, walk. Really do anything! You have to constantly hear things like "Wow, you are about to POP!" and "He STILL hasn't come yet?" Yes, I know my tummy is huge and I do feel like I could pop. NO, he is still not here. Thanks for reminding me :-( And not to mention, you are just so anxious to meet your baby. Someone I know put it this way, "It's like waking up everyday and constantly having to look at a present for yourself, but not getting to open it." Yep, that is how I feel. I just want him to be here! But I know that him cooking a little longer is not a bad thing and maybe him staying in longer will just mean he will come out with a few more baby rolls that I think are absolutely adorable. So as uncomfortable as I am, I think I can wait. Think is the keyword there! :-) I had an appointment yesterday with my OB. I have progessed some, but still not a lot. She didn't want to talk induction for the end of this week quite yet, because she thinks it would most likely be a hard and long labor that could ultimately end in a c-section. She said to continue my walking this week and hopefully that will help me progess more and then at my appointment Monday we can talk induction if he still hasn't come. We are hoping that if he doesn't come on his own, Friday June 21st is when we can schedule his induction. As ready as I am to see my little guy, I think waiting is the best option! Staying positive and trying to keep my patience!
**Update: When I talk about being induced, I would like to share that I have my reasons for being okay with this. Obviously my first choice is for him to come on his own naturally and that is still how I would love for it to happen. Always have and always will be first choice. But because of Shane's current schedule with Firefighter rookie school, it is very hard for him to get off. I completely understand this because the training they are going through is very extensive and it is imporant that they don't miss multiple days. Because of this and the fact I am not progressing very well on my own, induction on a Friday is an option for us. I trust my doctor and her decision on when is the best time for this. She will not induce me if she thought it would be unsafe. If you don't believe in induction that is perfectly okay with me and I respect that, but please respect my situation and feelings as well and remember how your words can be offensive and hurtful. Thank you!**
**Update: When I talk about being induced, I would like to share that I have my reasons for being okay with this. Obviously my first choice is for him to come on his own naturally and that is still how I would love for it to happen. Always have and always will be first choice. But because of Shane's current schedule with Firefighter rookie school, it is very hard for him to get off. I completely understand this because the training they are going through is very extensive and it is imporant that they don't miss multiple days. Because of this and the fact I am not progressing very well on my own, induction on a Friday is an option for us. I trust my doctor and her decision on when is the best time for this. She will not induce me if she thought it would be unsafe. If you don't believe in induction that is perfectly okay with me and I respect that, but please respect my situation and feelings as well and remember how your words can be offensive and hurtful. Thank you!**
A few pictures from my friend Katies baby shower this past weekend. She is due August 10 with little Parker!
How far along?: This picture was taken at 38 weeks and 3 days
Baby is the size of a: pumpkin! Hutton is about 18.9 to 20.9 inches long and weighs about 6.2 to 9.2 pounds. His head is now about the same circumference as his abdomen.
Development this week: He may have about an inch or so of hair already. He's slowly shedding that white goo on his skin (called vernix caseosa) but you might see some of it at birth.
Best moment this week: Hearing that I have progressed SOME. I was starting to think I never would!
Food cravings (or drink): Strawberries
Anything making you queasy or sick: Nope!
Symptoms: Back pain, lower abdomnen pain. Really just lots of pain. Not sleeping well at night anymore.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I am very happy, but this last month has taken its toll on me. I've broken down and cried ALOT. I am okay with admitting it. I am just so excited and ready for him to be here! I am very thankful for Shane and his patience with me and my crazy rollercoaster emotions lately!
Looking forward to: Hutton!!!!